Friday 26 June 2015

Waitakere Waste Management Trip

On Wednesday the Creative Caterpillars travelled to the Waitakere waste management site to learn more about recycling and rubbish. We went on a bus with the Dinosaurs and the Ducklings. We listened to Ron describe the life of a can. Then we got to look at some cool ways of reusing old things we don't need and turning them into something else. Sarah took us on a tour of the Waste site and we got to see the landfill and the plastic bales. We also met a cow made out of recycled bins that we named Chocky. Check out our photos of our awesome day!! 

Monday 1 June 2015

Creative Caterpillars's Post on Tuesday, 2 June 2015

The Caterpillars have really impressed Miss Martin with their learning. When they have finished their activities they use their initiative to practice things they know. Here is a video of Jesslyn and Dominic practicing their sounds and having lots of fun. They made this game up all by themselves!

Life education!

Easy Blog Photo

Life education Last week the Creative Caterpillars went to visit the life education van right here at school. We met Harold the giraffe who taught us about healthy eating and having a balanced diet. We learned about how eating healthy food gives us energy to learn. Check out our cool photos.